
CSDC’s Spotlight Showcase is finally here! This Friday, November 18th, at 7:30pm, students from all of our classes will be showing off what they have been working on this semester. The Showcase performance is a CSDC tradition that audiences look forward to twice a year.
This fall, we’ll have both beginner actors and experienced actors showcasing their talents. The Elementary Theater class will be performing a funny scene to get us into the holiday spirit. In addition, scenes will be presented from the theater’s latest production, Wemmicksville, which also featured some of our newest performers.
CSDC loves Shakespeare, and the Bard will be well-represented this Friday night. The Exploring Theater class will be presenting a scene from Twelfth Night which they recently performed at the Texas Renaissance Fair. Students from the Advanced Shakespeare class will also perform their competition pieces from Ren Fair, a variety of monologues and duet scenes from various Shakespeare plays. In addition, the cast of Much Ado About Nothing will be giving the audience a sneak peek of their show that will be performed in February 2017.
The Imps, CSDC’s improvisational class, are an audience favorite and will be performing at Showcase as well. Finally, we will have a scene from Crystal Sea Drama Company’s spring production Byline: Amanda Danger, a Noir/Comedic action-adventure. With all these amazing acts, the Spotlight Showcase is sure to be a great night for the whole family!