
Well, our first semester is coming to an end and we are all looking forward to next semester! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we should take a moment to thank everyone that makes CSDC as great as it is!
We are incredibly grateful for our directors, Irene Miller and Gwen Kandt. They put so much time and effort into these performances and truly care about their students. They teach them, support them, and push them to reach their full potential.
We also want to thank our costumers, Marla Ripps and Leeann Murray. These two are incredible when it comes to costumes. The costumes are so important when putting on a show, because they keep the play realistic yet fun. Individuals at CSDC would be completely overwhelmed without the guidance and hard work of our costumers.
These shows wouldn’t be possible without our techs. They take care of the lights, sound, props, sets, and more! They put in so much hard work behind the scenes, and we really appreciate them.
We have so many other classes such as Film Fridays and Art. We are incredibly grateful for the teachers of all these other classes as well. CSDC wants to give their students opportunities to learn all different abilities so that they can be well-rounded and discover what they enjoy and where they are gifted. We would never be able to do that without these teachers.
There are even more individuals that give their time to the theater, such as Robin Cook and Victor Lamphier. Robin Cook puts so much work into managing our money and working in the office. Victor Lamphier knows a great amount about technical theater. He puts a lot of work into each play, but he also teaches these skills to students. It’d be hard to run the theater without these two, and we are extremely grateful.
Additionally, we are incredibly thankful for the parents of our students! We are grateful for every parent that volunteers and every parent that drives them to classes. Taking photos, managing snack bar, bringing food, supervising, carpooling -- it’s all so helpful to us at the theater. We know that the parents donate a lot of their time and we couldn’t do it without them and their support.
Last, but certainly not least, we are grateful for our students! There is no way that we could perform these amazing shows without our students! We are truly thankful to have you, all of you! It is unbelievable how many people there are to be grateful for in this theater. I am thankful for the theater itself. CSDC teaches useful skills and brings joy to the lives of so many people. There is a lot to be thankful for this year, and CSDC and the people in it are truly appreciated!