New Beginnings...
Good evening CSDCers! In this post, we are talking about the first day of the class semester and what will be happening in the coming months.

For starters, the first day of Monday and Thursday classes went wonderfully. I have two younger siblings in classes on both days and so I have it on good authority the everyone had a blast. Our teachers were able to hit the ground running with games and informational lectures about the material and get our students ready for the semester.

Currently, we are preparing Comedy Tonight 2017 and for the Shakespeare competition at the Texas Ren fair in November. For competition we have students performing duet scenes, which are two person scenes, several competing with monologues, one person speeches, and a group scenes. These performances will be featured in our Winter Showcase at the end of November. Comedy Tonight is underway with our costumers preparing masks, princess gowns, and wigs for our actors. Our techs are hard at work planning the sets and getting ready for the year. These shows will look great!
Now a quick word about me, I’m co-leading a bible study group on my college campus and we too are having our new beginning. This semester we are starting in Genesis with the intent to discover our identity as people. I find that this theme mirrors our company goal this year as well. At CSDC we want to show kids that their identity is in Christ whether they pursue the arts or technical studies. On campus, I’m trying to show the same thing. No matter who we are, we are still children of God that He personally knows and created.
Our fall classes are underway, and a new chapter is starting in our students’ lives for God’s glory. Until next week Theatre Maniacs!